Lymphedema manifests as a chronic swelling that can affect various parts of the body, including the arms, legs, head, neck, trunk, pelvis, and breast, especially following cancer treatment. This type is known as "secondary lymphedema", which can develop over time without a clear cause. Additionally, lymphedema can occur from adolescence or even from birth, referred to as "primary lymphedema".
Moreover, chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) can progress into lymphedema, termed "phlebolymphedema".
. Although lymphedema has no cure and may progress, "early treatment is critical" to prevent complications such as wounds, mobility restrictions, and skin infections.
Our team of Certified Lymphedema Therapists (CLTs) possess specialized training in order to assess your condition, create a treatment plan to address your specific needs, and assist you in managing your chronic condition independently.
The Gold Standard for Lymphedema Treatment is
Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT)
CDT is an evidence based practice and considered the gold standard for lymphedema treatment.
Phase I (intensive phase) focuses on rapidly reducing swelling; recommended 4-5 days per week.
Phase II (maintenance phase) involves employing the techniques learned in Phase I to sustain the size of your limbs.
Both phases include the following components:
1. Manual Lymph Drainage (MLD): This technique employs tissue stretch massage to facilitate fluid movement within the affected areas.
2. Compression: In the intensive phase, compression bandaging is utilized to expedite the reduction of limb swelling. In the maintenance phase, compression garments are worn to maintain limb size.
3. Skin Care: Lymphedema can lead to skin breakdown and dryness, increasing the risk of infection. Utilizing low pH lotion and soap is essential to decrease the likelihood of skin infection (cellulitis).
4. Exercise: The movement of your muscles acts as a pump for your lymphatic system. Regular exercise is crucial to facilitate the proper movement of swelling to its intended destination.
5. Education on Self-Care: Living with lymphedema can present challenges. Our therapists provide you with the necessary tools and knowledge to effectively manage this lifelong condition in a manner that best suits your individual needs.
By offering comprehensive lymphedema therapy, we strive to enhance your quality of life and equip you with the means to effectively navigate this condition.